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Dr. Liza is the menstrual cycle expert! If you are looking to improve your overall quality of life by supporting your body and your hormones, you've come to the right place. After taking her Cycle with your Cycle course I feel more empowered and excited to watch my body go through changes each and every month. I now know how to better support my body though each phase of my cycle, from how I eat, how I move, and what work/home projects to better focus on. Take this course and tell all the women about it so we can all rise up together!

Dr. Erin Rakhra, DC

The multi-phase breakdown is brilliant. I personally appreciated the deep dive into the follicular and ovulatory phases. Honestly, society doesn't value these phases of our cycle, periods and PMS is all we care about. This was so refreshing!

Jessica Clancy

I appreciated everything I learned in this program. I am falling in love with my body and my cycle all over again! I love focusing on the positive aspects of each stage, and utilizing natural ways to cope with the negative aspects too! I have also been nourishing my body in ways I don’t think I have ever before. I love working out, but now I work out in alignment with the 4 stages of my cycle, which allow me to leave the gym or studio feeling better, stronger, and healthier.

Leila Razaghi

Dr. Liza is the most passionate, dedicated and caring professional I've ever worked with. Her desire to further women's understanding of their bodies is evident, and she shares her knowledge SO generously. She makes complicated concepts easy to understand and provides TONS (and I mean tons) of tips and action steps that you can begin right away to embrace your cycle. CWYC is packed with value, and I learned more in 4 short weeks through Liza's course than I learned through many paid naturopathic sessions before that! Dr. Liza has been there for me through every step of my health journey, and has helped me regulate my cycle, and optimize my fertility, and I certainly have her to thank for my recent conception!

Jess Dyck

Having a background as an integrative health coach and traditional naturopath I felt I had a pretty good grasp of the phases of my cycle. Going through Dr. Liza's course cycle with your cycle really brought it to a deeper level for me. I loved how simple and put-together everything was and I walked away feeling more empowered and curious about working with my cycle at the next level! This course is for anyone having little to a lot of knowledge about how to work with your cycle, this is something all women to need to be taught! I so appreciate the work she is doing and changing the conversation for us!

Amanda Tenbrink

Cycle with your Cycle$0

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  • 1xCycle with your Cycle$0

All prices in USD


Four core workshops - one for each stage of your cycle

Your Cycle 101: the health class you didn’t know you needed

An exclusive workbook to guide you through the 4-week journey

A list of foods to support estrogen detoxification  

An ovulation tracker & nutritional guidelines to take advantage of this ‘golden window’

The BS of PMS: A guidebook on habits to integrate into your daily routine to assist.

A period health checklist to establish your unique baseline

Guided breath work & meditation resources 

Weekly journal & manifestation prompts

Access to our growing Facebook community of empowered women who are ready to support and encourage you along your journey.

Continuous access to live group Q & A and coaching once a month (this is something you will gain access to for 1 year).

  • Can this course be covered by my insurance?
    The nature of group programming means that there is no doctor/patient relationship formed in this setting, making the course ineligible to be covered by insurance. However, the VALUE of this program far exceeds the price, and you would pay 3-4x more to obtain this information in a 1:1 setting. You get to learn the things I talk about MOST in my private practice and apply them inside a community of like-minded women who are on this journey with you. Community IS medicine and that's something you don't get in 1:1 interactions.
  • After doing this course, am I guaranteed to fall pregnant?
    This course will give you the right tools you need to begin your healing journey. However, I cannot claim that it will ensure you fall pregnant. However, if after doing the course and integrating the teaching for a few months you find that you're still struggling, we can arrange a 1:1 appointment to give you more in-depth attention.
  • Why is this program priced in USD?
    The beauty of online offerings is that I can reach women all over the world! I absolutely love this part of group programs and I want to make it accessible to everyone, no matter where you are! USD is commonly used as a universal currency and that's exactly why I use it too.
  • What will I walk away with after these 4 weeks?
    A transformed relationship with your hormones and your cyclical symptoms.
    How do I know (with certainty) that this is what you'll walk away with?
    100% of previous participants say this content has shifted the way
    they view their cycles and hormonal health. When we start understanding
    our cyclical experience, we stop blaming it for our symptoms. You will learn
    practical tools and lifestyle changes to help you sync with your cycle and
    TRULY feel your best, every day of the month.
  • How does the course work?
    This is a simple and quick access program. As soon as you pay, you will get an email with your login details. You will have instant access (and lifetime access) to the program. I recommend beginning with whichever cycle you are currently in.
